EGL Connectors / Kaitūhono

A Connector / Kaitūhono (previously known as an Enabling Good Lives Navigator / Independent Facilitator ) is an ally who assists a disabled person and their family to dream big, make a plan for the future and connect with their local community.

What is a Connector / Kaitūhono ?

An Enabling Good Lives Kaitūhono or Connector (also known as an EGL Navigator or Independent Facilitator ) is an ally who assists a disabled person and their family to dream big, make a plan for the future and connect with their local community. 

When can I work with an Connector / Kaitūhono?

If you are an ORS funded school leaver in Christchurch you can work with an EGL Connector / Kaitūhono  in your last few years of school.  


What will the Connector / Kaitūhono  do?
Some of the things the Connector / Kaitūhono can do with you and your whānau include:
- Build a trusting relationship; with you and with your family
- Connect with others who are involved; wider family and friends, school, LifeLinks …
- Help you (and your family) dream and plan about what a good life might look like. Not being restricted to what we might have always thought before, but aiming really high, and then figuring out how to take the first steps towards that
- Helping you access and use your flexible EGL personal budget
- Assisting you to find out what is in your local community that you might be interested in
- Helping you find out and connect to who else might be able to help. These might be local people in your community, friends and family (perhaps forming a Circle of Support) agencies (e.g. supported employment, Work and Income, Housing NZ …)
- Support you to negotiate with disability support services, if you choose to use them

What won't they do?
Things that your Connector / Kaitūhono won’t do (but can help you find the people to do this if you wish) include …
- Make decisions or speak on your behalf
- Refer you to disability support services (but we'll help you make the most out of them, should you choose to use them)
- Introduce you to the community (but we can help you find out who to connect with)
- Another person’s job (e.g. an Independent Facilitator is not a support worker, or a transition teacher or a budget adviser…)


Please contact EGL Christchurch on if you would like to learn more about the EGL Connector / Kaitūhono.

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