
SkillWise is a vibrant community organisation working with individuals to create a positive future!

Flexible Disability Support Contract Provider.

SkillWise helps to facilitate a wide range of learning, inclusion and participation opportunities, together with employment support for adults with intellectual disabilities.

  • Inclusion and participation involves supporting people in a range of training, educational and recreational activities in the wider community
  • Our employment support service assists people to obtain paid work in the open labour market.

For people with Flexible Support Funding we will be able to provide:

  • Direct Fundholding - similar to individualised funding hosting services.
  • Facilitated Buying – Where we support people to purchase support or things of their choice.
  • Delivery of Flexible Support – Where people will have individualised opportunities and options to be involved in community life.

We pride ourselves on working in a principles based way that ensures people drive the process, determine the outcomes and participate in the community in many and varied ways. Our vast range of community connections and networks help to make this possible.



We welcome enquires at any time

Tel: (03) 3820350


Web: or like us on Facebook.

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