Tina Lincoln

Tina Lincoln is the parent of “a beautiful, unique young lady who has taught [her] many valuable lessons in life without having to say a word”.

Tina says her daughter has a life and purpose, including dreams and aspirations, along with a multitude of challenges.

Tina works for SAMS-Care Matters where her primary role is to organise and deliver the Care Matters/kitchen table workshops to families and whānau throughout New Zealand.

She has worked for more than a decade at SAMs, and continues to enjoy the contact with people while also learning about their journeys, including their triumphs and challenges.

She networks with many organisations including Parent to Parent and has been involved with Partners’ influencing change course.

Tina is taking part in the co-design process because she is “driven and passionate that ALL people should be treated equally and respectfully in everyday life experiences, including the wider community”.

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