
In the future, disabled people and their families will have greater choice and control over their lives and supports, and make more use of natural and universally available supports.

The future disability support system


In the future, disabled children and adults and their families will have greater choice and control over their supports and lives, and make more use of natural and universally available supports.


Disabled people and their families, as appropriate, will be able to say:

  • I have access to a range of support that helps me live the life I want and to be a contributing member of my community.
  • I have real choices about the kind of support I receive, and where and how I receive it.
  • I can make a plan based on my strengths and interests.
  • I am in control of planning my support, and I have help to make informed choices if I need and want it.
  • I know the amount of money available to me for my support needs, and I can decide how it is used – whether I manage it, or an agency manages it under my instructions, or a provider is paid to deliver a service to me.
  • The level of support available to me is portable, following me wherever I move in the country.
  • My support is co-ordinated and works well together. I do not have to under go multiple assessments and funding applications to patch support together.
  • My family, whānau, and friends are recognised and valued for their support.
  • I have a network of people who support me – family, whānau, friends, community and, if needed, paid support staff.
  • I feel welcomed and included in my local community most of the time, and I can get help to develop good relationships in the community if needed.


The Government will get better value for the funding it provides because:


  • the new approach will generally provide better quality of life outcomes for disabled people and their families (based on international evidence)
  • less money will be spent on providers premises and more on support
  • government agencies will work more closely together, for example using shared way to determine support needs, integrated funding and contracts.
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