Enabling Good Lives leadership sites

Find out about Enabling Good Lives across New Zealand

The EGL approach is available to groups of disabled people in both Christchurch and Waikato - see below for more information.

For details about MidCentral check out Mana Whaikaha



Featured Page. Enabling Good Lives Christchurch

The Enabling Good Lives approach was first developed in Christchurch to demonstrate how the principles based approach can be used to make it easier for people to live good lives of their own choosing, in communities that truly value who they are and what they have to offer.

Featured Page. Enabling Good Lives Waikato

A demonstration of Enabling Good Lives is being implemented in Waikato. Find out about what's happening, who can join, and who to contact.

Featured Page. Hawkes Bay

Find out about what's happening in Hawkes Bay.

Featured Page. West Auckland

Find out about what's happening in West Auckland.

Featured Page. Te Tai Tokerau

Find out about what's happening in Te Tai Tokerau.

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